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Consciousness, Caring, Compassion, and Complexity: The Holistic Nursing Student’s Transformational Experience
2022 American Holistic Nurses Association Annual Conference/American Holistic Nurses Association (2022)
  • Cynthia Dols Finn, St. Catherine University
In times of chaos, a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere. The butterfly effect of a slight shift in being at the level of a unitary human initiates a ripple-like effect pandimensionally. This presentation highlights how student nurses, in a holistically endorsed BSN school of nursing, learn to sort various levels and kinds of information, experience many ways of knowing, and bring order, meaning and clarity to various patient care situations, paradigms of nursing, and to their personal and professional lives. Unitary Human Caring Science helps faculty articulate an educational process that facilitates this pandimensional shift in perspective and awareness of students. Students learn to manifest intentions, appreciate pattern, experience the infinite, and invite creative emergence while attuning to dynamic flow. This shift in a student’s direct experience helps to potentiate care and compassion alongside western medical approaches, bringing order and more coherent flow dynamics to chaotic patient care situations. Evidence of transformation, rebirth, and renewal is seen to unfold in student relationships of all kinds as seen in their course work and clinical assignments and their e-portfolio. Two years of experience with meditation/contemplative practices, holistic modalities, Unitary Human Caring Science and the holistic nursing core values and standards manifest in practice ready nurses greatly sought after by employers. Examples of how this process unfolds in the students’ academic journey is shared illuminating how the butterfly effect brings transformation to the holistic nursing student nurse. 
  • Holistic Nursing,
  • Unitary Human Caring Science,
  • Experiential
Publication Date
June, 2022
Albuquerque, NM
Citation Information
Cynthia Dols Finn. "Consciousness, Caring, Compassion, and Complexity: The Holistic Nursing Student’s Transformational Experience" 2022 American Holistic Nurses Association Annual Conference/American Holistic Nurses Association (2022)
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