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formeas200_spring2019 (1) (2).xlsx
t (2019)
  • Curtis Vanderschaaf, Louisiana Tech University
TECHCruise is a freely available Excel program that summarizes forest inventories conducted using either fixed-radius or variable-radius sampling methods.  An infinite number of fixed-radius plot sizes can be selected while only 5, 10, 15, 20, and 40 BAFs can be selected.  A user can alter measurement units from tons to cubic foot volume and the number of plots that can be summarized can vary up to 50.

Three species can be selected, either loblolly pine, Soft hardwoods, and Hard hardwoods.  Soft hardwoods are poplar, red maple, and sweetgum while Hard hardwoods are oak, hickory, and ash.  Separate stand, stock, and stumpage revenue tables are produced for each species.  If summary information is desired for slash and longleaf the equations used for loblolly can be considered to be reasonably representative for those species.  Although longleaf pine likely has different taper rates that may cause the estimates to vary meaningfully to some degree based on those obtained when using the selected volume ratio equations utilized for loblolly pine. 

Individual plot level information is also produced.  Based on the calculated variances, standard deviations, and coefficient of variations (CV), along with selected t-values and allowable percent errors, confidence intervals along with sample size estimates for future timber inventories are estimated.  If z-values are desired a value of 1,000,000 should be entered, or essentially infinite degrees of freedom (df).  Sample sizes can be calculated for a large number of variables. 

Pounds per cubic foot of wood can be altered for loblolly pine, Soft hardwoods, and Hard hardwoods.  Stumpage revenues can also be entered for each species.  Although product classes are labeled as pulpwood, chip-n-saw, and sawtimber for pine and pallets for hardwoods in fact revenues for any product classes can be entered, obviously the name of the product class doesn’t impact the internal calculations and is only in many ways a meaningless descriptor.
  • Forestry
Publication Date
Spring May 11, 2019
Citation Information
Curtis Vanderschaaf. "formeas200_spring2019 (1) (2).xlsx" t (2019)
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