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Reaching the Forgotten Demographic: Customizing Services for Graduate Students
GaCOMO Conference 2015 (2015)
  • Crystal L Renfro, Kennesaw State University
  • Lori O Critz, Georgia Institute of Technology - Main Campus

In many academic libraries graduate students are often the forgotten demographic. The robust and diverse suite of services geared to our undergraduate population does not exclude our graduate students; however, the services offered may not recognize the specialized needs of the graduate community. Often focused services do not extend beyond graduate student orientations and tours.

The speakers are librarians, from Kennesaw State University (Crystal Renfro) and Georgia Tech (Lori Ostapowicz Critz), who are assigned to work closely with the graduate students on their respective campuses. They have investigated services and resources – at the university level – designed and implemented for graduate students across a broad spectrum of higher education institutions. With these services and resources in mind, they have looked at potential collaborations with graduate student-oriented campus partners and ways to intersect with both units and services at the campus level to delineate avenues for a university library to develop and provide customized services for the graduate community. Results of the investigation will be shared, along with information on some services established as a result of this study. Additionally, suggestions for future paths to provide tailored services for this distinct university population will be provided. Services detailed will highlight instructional opportunities, research support, graduate-oriented spaces, and programming/event possibilities.

  • Graduate Library Services
Publication Date
Fall October, 2015
Citation Information
Crystal L Renfro and Lori O Critz. "Reaching the Forgotten Demographic: Customizing Services for Graduate Students" GaCOMO Conference 2015 (2015)
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