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Contribution to Book
Writing in Study Abroad Contexts
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Publications
  • Cristi Vallejos
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date

Although the numbers of students who participate in study abroad continue to grow, the research on writing in these programs is scarce. This chapter presents the context of study abroad as one suitable for the development of writing through the exploration of a handful of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies that suggest that study abroad aids in the development of different aspects of second language writing – fluency, lexical complexity – and the creation of imagined communities that motivate learners to improve their writing. The context of study abroad is ripe for more studies with a wider variety of participants, program lengths and designs and individual variables that affect writing. The chapter ends with suggestions for best practices in designing programs to improve writing.

  • Writing,
  • second language,
  • study abroad,
  • learning,
  • linguistics

In R. M. Manchón and C. Polio's (Eds.) The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Writing. New York: Routledge, 2022.

Citation Information
Cristi Vallejos. "Writing in Study Abroad Contexts" (2022) p. 254 - 267
Available at: