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No Two-proton Strength to 72Ge(02+)
Physical Review C (1987)
  • H. T. Fortune, University of Birmingham
  • Craig Ogilvie, University of Birmingham
  • R. Gilman, University of Pennsylvania
  • J. D. Zumbro, University of Pennsylvania
  • D. L. Watson, University of Bradford
  • M. J. Smithson, University of Bradford
  • M. D. Cohler, University of Bradford
  • A. Ghazarian, University of Bradford
  • R. Wadsworth, University of Bradford
  • J. O’Donnell, University of Bradford
In 70Zn(16O,14C)72Ge, at 110 MeV, the first-excited 0+ state at 0.69 MeV (commonly thought to be a two-proton excitation) has vanishingly small transfer strengththe upper limit is less than one percent of the ground state strength.
Publication Date
April, 1987
Publisher Statement
Copyright 1987 American Physical Society. Posted with permission. 
Citation Information
H. T. Fortune, Craig Ogilvie, R. Gilman, J. D. Zumbro, et al.. "No Two-proton Strength to 72Ge(02+)" Physical Review C Vol. 35 Iss. 4 (1987) p. 1603(R) - 1603(R)
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