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Simultaneous multiplicity and forward energy characterization of particle spectra in Au+Au collisions at 11.6A GeV/c
Physical Review C (1999)
  • Larry Ahle, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Craig Ogilvie, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • et al.
In this paper Au+Au collisions at 11.6A GeV/c are characterized by two global observables: the energy measured near zero degrees (EZCAL) and the total event multiplicity. Particle spectra are measured for different event classes that are defined in a two-dimensional grid of both global observables. For moderately central events (σ/σint<12%) the proton dN/dy distributions do not depend on EZCAL but only on the event multiplicity. In contrast the shape of the proton transverse spectra shows little dependence on the event multiplicity. The change in the proton dN/dy distributions suggests that different conditions are formed in the collision for different event classes. These event classes are studied for signals of new physics by measuring pion and kaon spectra and yields. In the event classes doubly selected on EZCAL and multiplicity there is no indication of any unusual pion or kaon yields, spectra, or K/π ratio even in the events with extreme multiplicity.
Publication Date
April 1, 1999
Publisher Statement
 Copyright 1999 American Physical Society. Posted with permission. 
Citation Information
Larry Ahle, Craig Ogilvie and et al.. "Simultaneous multiplicity and forward energy characterization of particle spectra in Au+Au collisions at 11.6A GeV/c" Physical Review C Vol. 59 Iss. 4 (1999) p. 2173 - 2188
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