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Contribution to Book
A Matrix Approach for Understanding People, Fire, and Forests
Corvalis, OR: Oregon State University Press
  • A. E. Luloff
  • D. R. Field
  • Richard Krannich, Utah State University
  • Courtney G. Flint, Utah State University
Document Type
Contribution to Book
Publication Date
Citation Information
Luloff, AE, D.R. Field, R.S. Krannich, and C.G. Flint. 2007. A matrix approach for understanding people, fire, and forests. In T.C. Daniels, M.S. Carroll, C. Mosely, and C. Raish (eds), People, Fire, and Forests: A Synthesis of Wildfire Social Science, Corvalis, OR: Oregon State University Press (pp. 207-216).