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About Corine Brown

Dr. Corine (Cori) Meredith Brown has spent over twenty-five years in public education. She began her career as an elementary school teacher, after receiving a B.S. in Elementary Education from Bloomsburg University. She completed two graduate degrees from the University of Virginia: an M.Ed. in Gifted Education and a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology. Currently an Associate Professor at Rowan University, her research interests focus on communities of practice to diversify the teacher pipeline, teaching and learning in urban environments, and instructional strategies which encourage talent development in all learners. Dr. Brown is the author of numerous articles and books and regularly presents at professional conferences on the national and international levels. Dr. Brown is PI on a federally-funded grant titled Project MOTIVATE, which supports military-affiliated individuals entering the teaching profession. She serves as Co-PI on the Child Care Access Means Parents In School (CCAMPIS) grant funded by USDOE. Additionally, she is Co-PI on two distinct grants aimed at diversifying the teacher pipeline within New Jersey, Rowan’s Opportunity for Postsecondary Excellence and Success (ROPES) and the Men of Color Hope Achievers (MOCHA) Program. Dr. Brown is also the Director of ASPIRE to Teach, Rowan’s alternate route program of study within the College of Education. She teaches undergraduate and graduate level courses, and continues to design, refine, and implement multiple interdisciplinary, online, and Honors courses for Education majors. Within the College of Education at Rowan University, Dr. Brown has served in numerous roles including: Associate Dean for Faculty & Student Affairs, department co-chair for Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education, and Program Coordinator for Elementary Education. For almost a decade, Dr. Brown was a Professor in Residence (PIR) at Lanning Square Elementary in Camden, NJ, and also at Johnstone Elementary School in Vineland, NJ, which is the longest-running, school-based partner within Rowan’s Professional Development Schools (PDS) network, and part of the National Association of Professional Development Schools (NAPDS). Dr. Brown is Co-Counselor of Rowan’s Eta Psi chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, the international honor society in Education, which has been recognized multiple times as an Achieving Chapter Excellence Award recipient.


2006 - Present Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary & Inclusive Education, Rowan University College of Education

Curriculum Vitae


2020 - Present Child Care Access Means Parents In School (CCAMPIS)
U.S. Department of Education
Role: Co-PI
2019 - Present Troops to Teachers - Project MOTIVATE
U.S. Department of Defense (DC, DC, US)
Role: PI
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Books (1)

Journal Articles (4)