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Identification of RNase-Resistant RNAs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Extracts: Separation from Chromosomal DNA by Selective Precipitation
Analytical Biochemistry
  • Blanca V Rodriguez
  • Eric T Malczewskyj
  • Joshua M Cabiya
  • L Kevin Lewis
  • Corina Maeder, Trinity University
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High-quality chromosomal DNA is a requirement for many biochemical and molecular biological techniques. To isolate cellular DNA, standard protocols typically lyse cells and separate nucleic acids from other biological molecules using a combination of chemical and physical methods. After a standard chemical-based protocol to isolate chromosomal DNA from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and then treatment with RNase A to degrade RNA, two RNase-resistant bands persisted when analyzed using gel electrophoresis. Interestingly, such resistant bands did not appear in preparations of Escherichia coli bacterial DNA after RNase treatment. Several enzymatic, chemical, and physical methods were employed in an effort to remove the resistant RNAs, including use of multiple RNases and alcohol precipitation, base hydrolysis, and chromatographic methods. These experiments resulted in the development of a new method for isolation of S. cerevisiae chromosomal DNA. This method utilizes selective precipitation of DNA in the presence of a potassium acetate/isopropanol mixture and produces high yields of chromosomal DNA without detectable contaminating RNAs.

Citation Information
Rodriguez, B. V., Malczewskyj, E. T., Cabiya, J. M., Lewis, L. K., & Maeder, C. (2016). Identification of RNase-resistant RNAs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae extracts: Separation from chromosomal DNA by selective precipitation. Analytical Biochemistry, 492, 69-75.