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Book Review of Making Space for Indigenous Feminism by Joyce Green
Articles, Book Chapters, & Popular Press
  • Constance MacIntosh, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date
  • Joyce Green,
  • Indigenous Feminism,
  • Book Review

The second edition of Joyce Green's Making Space for Indigenous Feminism is, like the first edition, a transformative call to action.' The seventeen chapters, written by Indigenous women who are joined by a few non-Indigenous allies, are inspiring, edgy, direct, and deliberately crafted. Drawing upon the lens of Indigenous feminist theory, they name injustices that might otherwise remain obscure, while simultaneously honouring those whose stories and lives are drawn upon to illustrate the injustices. Collectively, the authors facilitate understanding the strength, potential, and diversity of Indigenous feminism, while simultaneously inviting dialogue regarding the value of Indigenous feminism for addressing both systemic harms and systemic transformation. Many of the authors also demand that individuals-Indigenous and white men, and white women-take responsibility and be accountable for how they personally benefit from, or are otherwise complicit in, the disempowerment of Indigenous women. The topics range from how the Indian Act and its recent amendments continue to position Indigenous women as occupying Victorian gender roles to how Indigenous resurgence movements will be strengthened by engaging with Indigenous feminism (and, otherwise, may risk perpetuating Indigenous women's disempowerment).'

Citation Information
Constance MacIntosh, Book Review of Making Space for Indigenous Feminism by Joyce Green, (2019) 31:1 Can J Women & L 187.