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Preparing Teacher Leaders in a Job-Embedded Graduate Program: Changes within and beyond the Classroom Walls
Teacher Education and Practice (2013)
  • Colleen Swain, University of Texas at Tyler
This article presents findings from a study about the perceived impact of a job-embedded graduate program designed to prepare teacherleaders within the context of university-district-school partnerships. Study participants completed a 30-item survey about impact of theprogram on instructional practices, collaboration with peers, participation in teacher research, and acceptance of leadership roles. Survey results indicate that graduates perceived changes in their abilities and actions related to teacher research, instructional practices and curricular design, and teacher leadership as a result of participation in this graduate program. Results also indicated that graduates perceived that their actions as leaders have an impact beyond their individual classrooms and the children whom they teach. The study has implications for the development of graduate programs to prepare high-quality teacher leaders who lead within and beyond classroom walls.
  • Teachers,
  • Teacher Attitudes,
  • Teacher Surveys,
  • Online Surveys,
  • Teacher Leadership,
  • Graduate Study,
  • Partnerships in Education,
  • College School Cooperation
Publication Date
Summer 2013
Publisher Statement
This article was originally published in Teacher Education and Practice.
Citation Information
Colleen Swain. "Preparing Teacher Leaders in a Job-Embedded Graduate Program: Changes within and beyond the Classroom Walls" Teacher Education and Practice Vol. 26 Iss. 3 (2013) p. 581 - 597 ISSN: 0890-6459
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