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Contribution to Book
Culturally responsive teaching with emerging technologies
Emerging Technologies in Learning: Impact on Cognition and Culture (2011)
  • Colleen Swain, University of Texas at Tyler
This book encompasses the technological influence on learning and cognition from a cultural prospective. It weaves together different kinds of learning technologies with the thread of cultural diversity to 
meet local and global educational needs and includes the latest developments in education, particularly emerging technologies. The book offers successful examples of student modeling for multimedia learning environment design, instructional delivery systems, and applications of technology where computer and mobile 
technologies play an indispensable role. Innovative ideas, as well as issues related to learning, teaching and assessment, work place learning, assistive technology, the roles of current and future technologies in learning are discussed by authors from various countries and educational settings.
  • Emerging technologies,
  • Teaching,
  • Education
Publication Date
Bhattacharya, M., Mach, N. & Moallem, M.
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Citation Information
Bhattacharya, M., Mach, N. & Moallem, M. (2011). Emerging Technologies in Learning: Impact on Cognition and Culture. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).