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Student self evaluation after nursing examinations: That’s a wrap
Nurse Educator (2018)
  • Alice Butzlaff, San Jose State University
  • Debrayh Gaylle, San Jose State University
  • Colleen O'Leary-Kelley, San Jose State University
Examination wrappers are a self-evaluation tool that uses metacognition to help students reflect on test performance. After examinations, rather than focus on points earned, students learn to self-identify study strategies and recognize methods of test preparation. The purpose of the study was to determine if the use of an examination wrapper after each test would encourage students to self-evaluate performance and adjust study strategies. A total of 120 undergraduate nursing students completed self-evaluations after each examination, which were analyzed using content analysis. Three general patterns emerged from student self-evaluation: effective and ineffective study strategies, understanding versus memorization of content, and nurse educator assistance.
Publication Date
July 1, 2018
Publisher Statement
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Citation Information
Alice Butzlaff, Debrayh Gaylle and Colleen O'Leary-Kelley. "Student self evaluation after nursing examinations: That’s a wrap" Nurse Educator Vol. 43 Iss. 4 (2018) p. 187 - 190 ISSN: 0363-3624
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