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Student Mobilization, Higher Education, and the 2013 Protests in Brazil in Historical Perspective
Latin American Research Review (2017)
  • Colin M. Snider, University of Texas at Tyler
This article analyzes student mobilization and public discourse on higher education during the June 2013 protests in Brazil in an effort to situate the protests historically. I argue that higher education was a major, yet overlooked, component of the 2013 protests, and that concerns over the failings and shortcomings of Brazil’s university system had deeper roots in institutional problems and student discourses on education, society, and democracy. These historical inequalities combined with institutional memories that offered students models and examples of past mobilization and allowed them to tie their present-day concerns to past examples of student politics. I consider the ways in which the often-overlooked question of educational reform offers insights into ongoing social inequalities in Brazil, the failure of various regimes to address structural issues, and how students in 2013 looked to the past while simultaneously drawing on their own particular educational contingencies. This article situates 2013 historically while exploring the ways in which higher education in the twenty-first century has transformed, even as it remains an important part of political and social struggles between society and the state. Finally, this article explores how the 2013 protests in Brazil reflect ongoing struggles to define the role of the state in society, not just in Brazil but in the Americas more generally.
  • Student Mobilization,
  • Higher Education,
  • 2013 Protests in Brazil,
  • Brazil,
  • Politics,
  • History
Publication Date
August 16, 2017
Citation Information
Colin M. Snider. "Student Mobilization, Higher Education, and the 2013 Protests in Brazil in Historical Perspective" Latin American Research Review Vol. 52 Iss. 2 (2017) p. 253 - 268
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