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About Colette Rabin

Colette Rabin (Professor – Department of Teacher Education) teaches in the joint credential/Masters teacher preparation program at San José State University. She teaches educational foundations, research methods, classroom management, health, special education and student teaching practicum courses. Prior to teaching graduate school, she taught grades kindergarten through middle school for twelve years. Her research interests are in care ethics, social justice, co-teaching, sustainability, and social and emotional learning. Colette has explored the nature of relationships in schools from multiple perspectives and how to create and sustain them from the perspective of an ethic of care as a conceptual schema. Recent publications include, “Co-Teaching: Collaborative and Caring Teacher Preparation,” in Journal of Teacher Education, “Care Ethics in Remote Instruction” in Self Study Journal and “I intend not to roll my eyes when I don’t like my partner: Fourth-Graders’ Intentions to Care” in Journal of Research in Childhood Education


2019 - Present Full Professor, San Jose State University Teacher Education
2013 - 2019 Associate Professor, San Jose State University Teacher Education
2007 - 2013 Assistant Professor, San Jose State University Teacher Education

Curriculum Vitae


2019 - Present SJSU Research Scholarship and Creative Activity (RSCA)
San Jose State University
2012 - Present Co-Teaching in the College of Education
San Jose State University
2016 SJSU Research Scholarship and Creative Activity (RSCA)
San Jose State University
2015 - 2016 Collaborative for Reaching and Teaching the Whole Child
Morgan Family Grant Project
2015 SJSU Research Scholarship and Creative Activity (RSCA)
San Jose State University
2013 Innovative Teaching Course Redesign Award
San Jose State University
2013 SJSU Research Scholarship and Creative Activity (RSCA)
San Jose State University
2008 - 2009 Learning to Care During Story Time: Moral Education from the Perspective of Care Ethics
San José State University Institute for Teaching and Learning
Junior Faculty Career Development Grant
2006 - 2008 Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Research Grant
Bank Street College and San José State University
Role: Participant
2007 Research Grant
Teacher Scholars
2007 Teacher as Researcher Special Interest Group Research Grant
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
2004 - 2007 Graduate Research Grant
Mills College
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2018 - Present Chair, College of Education Student Research and Scholarship Committee
2017 - Present Member, Teacher Education Department Professional Standards Committee
2016 - Present Member, University Planning Committee
2012 - Present Reviewer, Issues in Teacher Education
2012 - Present Reviewer, Jossey-Bass
2012 - Present Reviewer, Sage Open
2012 - Present Reviewer, Teaching and Teacher Education
2011 - Present Member, Academy for Educational Studies (AES)
2011 - Present Reviewer, Asia Pacific Journal of Education
2010 - Present Member, National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
2008 - Present Member, SJSU College of Education Alumni Association Faculty Grant Committee
2007 - Present Reviewer, Teacher Education Quarterly
2006 - Present Member, California Philosophy of Education (CAPE)
2006 - Present Member, Teacher As Researcher Special Interest Group, AERA
2004 - Present Member, American Education Research Association (AERA)
2004 - Present Member, California Council of Teacher Education (CCTE)
2004 - Present Member, Moral Education Special Interest Group, AERA
2000 - Present Member, Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE)
2017 - 2018 Editor, Newsletter for Special Interest Group Moral Education, AERA
2011 Member, College of Education Search Committee for Associate Dean
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Honors and Awards

  • 2015: Journal of Research in Childhood Education Distinguished Education Research Article Award, Honorable Mention
  • Fall 2015: Exceptional Levels of Service Assigned Time Award
  • Summer 2013: Salzburg Scholar
  • 2004-2007: Graduate Scholarship Award, Mills College
  • 2002: Outstanding Thesis Award Nomination, San José State University
  • 2000: Outstanding Teacher Award, Living Wisdom Schools


2007 Ed.D., Mills College ‐ Teacher Education, Educational Leadership, and Philosophy of Education
2003 MA, San Jose State University ‐ Education
1993 BA, Reed College ‐ Religion

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Presentations (50)