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An ethic of care in teacher education : teaching teachers to care
  • Colette Rabin, Mills College
Our current educational climate of increased bureaucratization and quantification may so narrow our definition of quality education that we overlook the relationships in which learning begins. Today's often rigid standards and pervasive testing may undermine novice teachers' awareness of the need for caring relationships in schools as well as their efforts to foster relationships. When standards and testing define and evaluate the processes and products of education, new teachers may begin at a loss to recognize the importance of creating caring relationships. Yet ethical stances toward teaching like an ethic of care, which would place caring relationships at the center of educational practices, are not often addressed in teacher education. This dissertation addresses this gap by exploring the efforts of one teacher education program with a demonstrated commitment to an ethic of care.
Publication Date
Field of study
Teacher Education, Educational Leadership, and Philosophy of Education
Anna Richert (chair), Joe Kahne, Dave Donahue, Nel Noddings
Citation Information
Colette Rabin. "An ethic of care in teacher education : teaching teachers to care" (2007)
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