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About Cornelius Nuworsoo

Dr. Nuworsoo earned his Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley in 2004. He earned his MCP Master of City Planning from the University of California, Berkeley in 2002. In 1986 he earned his MS in Transportation Studies from Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD. He earned his BS, graduating with Honors, from the University of Science and Technology in Ghana in 1981.
His areas of interest, experience and knowledge include development of transportation master plans; development of strategic transportation policy and financing plans; travel demand forecasting by manual methods or simulation models; traffic operations and capacity analysis including signal timing and coordination; traffic impact analysis, safety studies and environmental assessment; and preliminary engineering studies.
Dr. Cornelius Nuworsoo, AICP, has 22 years of experience both in urban and regional planning and in transportation engineering. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) and a full member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers. Formerly a senior transportation planner with the Baltimore Metropolitan Council, an MPO, he has extensive experience and expertise in the development of transportation master plans and in the application of travel demand modeling software. He played key roles in the development of the regional long-range transportation plan, which involved the full spectrum application of the urban transportation planning process (UTPS) in the analyses to determine the long-term development of highway and transit infrastructure in the Baltimore metropolitan area. He performed similar roles in the development of the transportation master plans for the U.S. Department of Interior that involved the determination of the long-term transportation needs and the coordinated sets of improvements consistent with the social, environmental, and economic goals of 24 different communities in Colorado, Florida, and New Mexico. He has many years of hands-on application experience with such travel forecasting models as minUTP (at the Baltimore Metropolitan Council) TRANPLAN (in corridor analyses for the Delaware Department of Transportation) and TP+ (in the modeling for the 2012 Olympic bid for the San Francisco Bay Area).
Dr. Nuworsoo is currently an instructor in courses that deal with analytic methods in transportation and land use planning at the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo where he also engages in sponsored research projects. His research interests cover multi-modal transportation and land use planning; benefit-cost analysis; and the analysis of equity impacts of transportation proposals.


Present Professor, City & Regional Planning, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Curriculum Vitae

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Research Project Reports (13)

Conference Proceedings (3)