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Tutoring Teachers
The Writing Lab Newsletter
  • Clyde Moneyhun, Boise State University
  • Patti Hanlon-Baker, Stanford University
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Most research on writing center work focuses on the students who come to us for help, particularly on the effects tutoring may have on their writing. Some research has focused on the effects of tutoring on the tutors themselves, notably the Peer Writing Tutor Alumni Research Project (Hughes, Gillespie and Kail). But little has been published about the effects of writing center work on the pedagogy of classroom writing teachers who also tutor in a writing center. In “Writing Centers and Cross-Curricular Literacy Programs as Models for Faculty Development,” Linda Bergman recognizes the role that writing centers can play in faculty development that, rather than simply communicating a program’s pedagogy and procedures, would “encourage faculty to rethink their practices” (524). Irene Clark is more explicit about the possible benefits of tutoring for teachers, since writing center work enables teachers who also tutor to “become directly involved with process teaching, to interact with students in a variety of pedagogical roles, and to gain important insight into the nature of writing assignments and teaching response” (347).

Citation Information
Clyde Moneyhun and Patti Hanlon-Baker. "Tutoring Teachers" The Writing Lab Newsletter (2012)
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