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Five Poems from Witch in Mourning in Exchanges
  • Maria-Mercè Marçal
  • Clyde Moneyhun, Boise State University

Maria-Mercè Marçal was born in 1952, in the middle of the fascist dictatorship in Spain, which lasted from the end of the Civil War in 1939 to the death of Francisco Franco in 1975. Marçal writes, “A l’atzar agraeixo tres dons: haver nascut dona, de classe baixa i nació oprimida” [I thank fate for three gifts: having been born a woman, to the lower class, in an oppressed nation], a phrase that is still famous in Catalan graffiti today.

Publication Date
Summer 2015
This work was translated by Clyde Moneyhun from the original Catalan written by Maria-Mercè Marçal and entitled Cinc poemes de Bruixa de dol.
Citation Information
Maria-Mercè Marçal and Clyde Moneyhun. "Five Poems from Witch in Mourning in Exchanges" (2015)
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