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The Normative Value of the Istanbul Protocol
Contributions to Books
  • Claudio Grossman, American University Washington College of Law

Claudio Grossman, Chairman of the UN Committee against Torture, introduces Part I, “Recognition and Usage,” of Shedding Light on a Dark Practice. He explicates the value of The Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment - the Istanbul Protocol, or Protocol. The Protocol provides tools to the medical and legal professions to investigate and document torture and thus increase the likelihood of punishment and reparations. Non-compliance by state authorities with the requirements of the Protocol creates the presumption of torture by the State. The Protocol also identifies specific legal obligations that arise from the prohibition against torture. International and foreign courts use the Protocol as an authority to interpret and apply their own legal obligations.

Publication Date
Book Title

Shedding Light on a Dark Place: Using the Istanbul Protocol to Document Torture

International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims
  • Torture,
  • Investigation of torture,
  • Istanbul Protocol
Citation Information
Grossman, Claudio. “The Normative Value of the Istanbul Protocol.” In Shedding Light on a Dark Practice: Using the Istanbul Protocol to Document Torture, edited by Susanne Kjær and Asger Kjærum, 11-13. Copenhagen, Denmark: International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, 2009.