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Comment on Prof. Stephen Powell's paper - Managing the rule of law in the Americas
  • Claudio M. Grossman
  • Claudio,
  • Grossman,
  • Stephen,
  • Powell,
  • The Human Element: The Impact of Regional Trade Agreements on Human Rights and the Rule ofLaw,
  • 42 U. Miami Inter-Am. L. Rev. 261-64 (2011),
  • Managing the rule of law in the Americas,
  • theInter-American Law Review Symposium
Publication Date
Citation Information
“The Human Element: The Impact of Regional Trade Agreements on Human Rights and the Rule of Law,” 42 U. Miami Inter-Am. L. Rev. 261-64 (2011) (commenting on Prof. Stephen Powell's paper,“Managing the rule of law in the Americas: an empirical portrait of the effects of 15 years of WTO, MERCOSUR, and NAFTA dispute resolution on civil society in Latin America,” presented at the Inter-American Law Review Symposium, University of Miami School of Law. Miami, FL, Feb. 26, 2011