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Realists and Reformers in the Nineteenth Century
  • Claudia Stokes, Trinity University
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date

Amid the violence and tensions of contemporary globalization, it is perhaps unsurprising that American literary historians of the last decade have been preoccupied by literary transnationalism. As with the work of such critics as Anna Brickhouse, Wai Chee Dimock, and Kirsten Silva Gruesz (among many others), this field of research has carefully exposed the international contexts of American literature and put pressure on the nationalist borders that have always delimited literary history. Amanda Claybaugh’s new book, The Novel of Purpose, is a worthy contribution to this growing field of transnational literary history.

Michigan State University Department of History
Citation Information
Stokes, C. (2007). Realists and reformers in the nineteenth century [Review of the book The novel of purpose: Literature and social reform in the Anglo-American world, by Amanda Claybaugh]. H-SHGAPE Online.