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Extending a Geographic Lens Towards Climate Justice, Part 2: Climate Action
Geography Compass
  • Morey Burnham, Utah State University
  • Claudia Radel, Utah State University
  • Zhao Ma, Utah State University
  • Ann Laudati
Document Type
Wiley - Blackwell
Publication Date

There has been a recent increase of interest within the academic literature on the justice issues posed by climate change and the human responses to its present and forecasted effects. In two parts (here and in a previous article), we review and synthesize the recent literature by asking what climate justice concerns have been identified within three related realms: 1) the characterization of climate change itself and the assignment of responsibility for that change; 2) the differential or uneven impacts of climate change; and 3) the actions taken to address the problems associated with climate change, including both mitigation and adaptation. Here in Part 2, we focus on the justice concerns of climate action, examining the scholarship on climate change mitigation mechanisms formulated at the international level (i.e., REDD+, CDM) and climate change adaptation projects and finance. We argue that geographers are well-positioned to conduct (and already well engaged in) research on the local climate justice paradoxes emerging from the currently uncritical focus of climate action policy on justice at the level of the national state.


Part 1 of this article can be accessed here.

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Citation Information
Burnham, M., Radel, C., Ma, Z., & Laudati, A. (2013). Extending a geographic lens towards climate justice, part 2: climate action. Geography Compass, 7(3), 228-238.