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International Principles on Environmental Health Offenses: Climate Change, Liability and State Responsibility and Air Pollution
Yale University - Michelle Bell's Research Group (2020)
  • Claudia Ribeiro Pereira Nunes, Yale University
This analysis comprises jurisdictions worldwide and supranational entities, the European Union, and countries representing different legal systems: common-law (Canada, United States and United Kingdom) and civil/ continental law ruled countries (Brazil, China). The state form also differs: Some of the countries have centralized regimes, while others have federated. With this diversity, the issue is hampered since several countries do not recognized the system adopted at COP 21 under UNFCCC, namely the Warsaw mechanism. In the context of the established challenges, 1.5 °C temperature limit and increasing climate impacts, the urgent need for adopting international covenants addressing the issue is pressing all parties involved. In the context of Next Generation environmental legal principles, liability and allocation of harm arising of atmospheric events introduces a major element of unpredictability in the analysis of complex systems as atmosphere itself.
  • Environmental Health Offenses: Climate Change,
  • Liability and State Responsibility and Air Pollution
Publication Date
Fall October 16, 2020
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Citation Information
NUNES, C. R. P. International Principles on Environmental Health Offenses: Climate Change, Liability and State Responsibility and Air Pollution. In: Yale University - Michelle L. Bell`s Research Group. October, 2020.