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Study on Teacher Absenteeism in Indonesia 2014
Shaping educational policy
  • Phillip McKenzie, ACER
  • Dita Nugroho, ACER
  • Clare Ozolins, ACER
  • Julie McMillan, ACER
  • Sudarno Sumarto, SMERU
  • Nina Toyamah, SMERU
  • Vita Febriany, SMERU
  • R Justin Sodo, SMERU
  • Luhur Bima, SMERU
  • Armand Arief Sim, SMERU
Publication Date

The members of the study team who prepared this report were:
ACER: Phillip McKenzie (Team Leader), Dita Nugroho, Clare Ozolins, Julie McMillan
SMERU: Sudarno Sumarto (Team Leader), Nina Toyamah, Vita Febriany, R. Justin Sodo, Luhur Bima, Armand Arief Sim

Published by:
Education Sector Analytical and Capacity Development Partnership (ACDP),
Agency for Research and Development (Balitbang), Ministry of Education and Culture, Government of Indonesia

© Government of Indonesia

This study was commissioned by the Education Sector Analytical and Capacity Development Partnership (ACDP), an initiative supported by the Government of Indonesia, the Australian Government, the European Union and the Asian Development Bank. The institutions responsible for implementation of the study were the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) and SMERU Research Institute supported by Cambridge Education.


The Study on Teacher Absenteeism is a large-scale research project for the Republic of Indonesia Education Sector Analytical and Capacity Development Partnership (ACDP).The key objective of the study is to provide reliable, valid, nationally representative, and up-to-date information on the rates and determinants of teacher absenteeism in Indonesian primary and junior secondary schools. In addition, the study examines how schools are dealing with teacher absence and assesses the impact of teacher absenteeism on students. Finally, policies and programs already in place are analysed in order to ascertain the extent they are related to teacher attendance in schools and classrooms and other policy implications are discussed.

(-0.789275, 113.92132700000002)
Citation Information
McKenzie, Phillip; Nugroho, Dita; Ozolins, Clare; McMillan, Julie; Sumarto, Sudarno; Toyamah, Nina; Febriany, Vita; Sodo, R Justin; Bima, Luhur; and Sim, Armand Arief, (December 2014) "Study on Teacher Absenteeism in Indonesia 2014" Jakarta : Education Sector Analytical and Capacity Development Partnership (ACDP)