Grain Test Weight Deception
Agriculture and Environment Extension Publications
Extension Number
PMR 1005
Test weight is used as an indicator of general grain quality and is a measure of grain bulk density. Test weight, but not overall grain weight, normally increases during drying. Erroneous calculations using test weights can incorrectly infer that drying systems that increase test weight also increase the number of bushels that can be sold. This bulletin explains the use of test weight in the grain industry, how it can be used to determine grain value, and why some calculations involving test weight can be deceptive.
Publication Date:
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
- Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
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Citation Information
Carl J. Bern and Thomas J. Brumm. "Grain Test Weight Deception" Ames, IA(2009) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/cjbern/68/