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The Effects of Interactive Writing Instruction on Kindergarten Students' Acquisition of Early Reading Skills
All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023
  • Cindy D Jones, Utah State University
Date of Award:
Document Type:
Degree Name:
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Department name when degree awarded
Elementary Education
Committee Chair(s)
D. Ray Reutzel (Committee Co-Chair), Sylvia Read (Committee Co-Chair)
D. Ray Reutzel
Sylvia Read
Jamison D. Fargo
Parker C. Fawson
John A. Smith
Subject Categories

This study focused upon the established importance of the reading-writing relationship and its posited effect on literacy development. A repeated-measures experimental design investigated the effects of interactive writing instruction on 151 kindergarten students’ acquisition of early reading skills. Multilevel modeling was used to evaluate the impact of the reading-writing relationship as operationalized with interactive writing and writing workshop on the acquisition of early reading skills as repeated outcome measures at four points in time (Level 1) were clustered within students (Level 2). Results of this study indicated that instruction grounded in the reading-writing relationship, namely, interactive writing and writers’ workshop combined with existing reading instruction, led to equal growth in kindergarteners’ acquisition of early reading skills for each of the outcome measures at each of the four time points assessed. The growth effects obtained from the use of the reading-writing instructional treatments used in this study compared with the national normative samples from the outcome measures indicated that the reading-writing instruction significantly increased the rate of growth for the early reading skills of phonemic awareness, alphabet knowledge, and word reading.

Citation Information
Cindy D Jones. "The Effects of Interactive Writing Instruction on Kindergarten Students' Acquisition of Early Reading Skills" (2008)
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