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Commentary on the Acquisition Workforce
GW Law Faculty Publications & Other Works
  • Steven L. Schooner, George Washington University Law School
  • Christopher R. Yukins, George Washington University Law School
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Recognizing the need to focus on the strategic management of the federal acquisition workforce, the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) promulgated Policy Letter 05-01, Developing and Managing the Acquisition Workforce. These two brief pieces discuss the policy letter and what it signals to the acquisition community. The first, Empty Promise for the Acquisition Workforce, concludes that, although the letter's title optimistically heralded a bold step forward, OFPP both aimed too low and missed the mark. The letter attempted to redefine cosmetically the acquisition workforce and describe how a portion of this deputized acquisition workforce should be trained. While the latter is important, the letter dodged the primary issue that daunts the workforce, painted a deceptive picture of a growing acquisition workforce and failed to communicate a vision for a reinvigorated corps of contracting professionals. The second, A Pedagogical Perspective on Training the Acquisition Workforce, offers some pedagogical reactions to the policy letter and some suggestions, with a focus on the need for teaching critical thinking.

GW Paper Series
GWU Law School Public Law Research Paper No. 147, GWU Legal Studies Research Paper No. 147
Citation Information
The Government Contractor, Vol. 47, Issue 18, Nos. 203 & 204 (2005)