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Katrina's Continuing Impact on Procurement - Emergency Procurement Powers in H.R. 3766
GW Law Faculty Publications & Other Works
  • Christopher R. Yukins, George Washington University Law School
  • Joshua I. Schwartz, George Washington University Law School
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As Hurricane Katrina relief efforts grow into the billions of dollars, the U.S. Congress is considering additional legislation to liberalize procurement, including H.R. 3766, co-sponsored by Representatives Kenny Marchant and Tom Davis. In these comments on the proposed legislation, Professors Christopher Yukins and Joshua Schwartz asked whether the proposed changes, which would eviscerate competition for most procurement related to disaster relief, are truly necessary. Professor Yukins suggests that, though it might in some circumstances be necessary to dismantle the federal regulatory regime to accommodate a wave of new firms in the federal market, there is too little evidence yet to support such radical measures. Professor Schwartz argues that there is no basis, empirically or analytically, for any effort to undo the careful protections afforded by the federal procurement system.

GW Paper Series
GWU Law School Public Law Research Paper No. 162; GWU Legal Studies Research Paper No. 162
Citation Information
Christopher R. Yukins & Joshua I. Schwartz, Katrina's Continuing Impact on Procurement - Emergency Procurement Powers in H.R. 3766 Gov't. Contractor, September 21, 2005 at Vol. 47, No. 35, par. 397.