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On "The Basics of Training for Muscle Size and Strength"
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
  • Michael H. Stone, East Tennessee State University
  • Kent Adams
  • Caleb D. Bazyler, East Tennessee State University
  • Clive Brewer
  • George Beckham
  • Kevin M. Carroll, East Tennessee State University
  • Robert D. Chetlin
  • Paul Comfort
  • Bret Comstock
  • Aaron J. Cunanan, East Tennessee State University
  • Brad H. Deweese, East Tennessee State University
  • Jacob E. Earp, University of Rhode Island
  • Sandor Dorgo
  • Steven J. Fleck
  • Andrew C. Fry, University of Kansas,
  • Andrew Galpin
  • John Garhammer
  • Daniel Gahreman
  • Stuart Guppy
  • G. Gregory Haff, University of Salford, UK
  • Keijo Häkkinen
  • Disa Hatfield
  • Cody T. Haun, LaGrange College
  • Guy Hornsby
  • Chad Kersick
  • K. L. Kraemer, University of Pittsburgh
  • William J. Kraemer
  • Hugh Lamont
  • Jeff McBride
  • Satoshi Mizuguchi
  • Robert U. Newton, Northeastern University
  • Kyle Pierce
  • Michael W. Ramsey
  • Nicholas Ratamess
  • Hugo Santana
  • Margaret E. Stone
  • Timothy J. Suchomel
  • Dylan Suarez
  • Kyle Travis
  • Christopher B. Taber, Sacred Heart University
  • N. Travis Triplett
  • Jakob Vingren
  • John P. Wagle, East Tennessee State University
  • Dan Wathen
Document Type
Letter to the Editor
Publication Date

We read the article of Buckner et al. (1), hoping to find new insights on resistance training. Unfortunately, the article is a restatement of information contained in previously published reviews from this group. Here are our major concerns:

American College of Sports Medicine
Citation Information

Stone, M. H., Adams, K., Bazyler, C., Brewer, C., Beckham, G., Carroll, K., Chetlin, R. D., Comfort, P., Comstock, B., Cunanan, A., DeWeese, B., Earp, J. E., Dorgo, S., Fleck, S. J., Fry, A. C., Galpin, A., Garhammer, J., Gahreman, D., Guppy, S., Haff, G. G., … Wathen, D. (2020). On "the basics of training for muscle size and strength". Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 52(9), 2047–2050. Doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002347