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Pull From the Knee: Proper Technique and Application
Strength and Conditioning Journal
  • Brad H. DeWeese, East Tennessee State University
  • Timothy J. Suchomel, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania
  • Ambrose J. Serrano
  • Jarrod D. Burton
  • Steven K. Scruggs
  • Christopher B. Taber, Sacred Heart University
Document Type
Peer-Reviewed Article
Publication Date

The pull from the knee is a weightlifting movement derivative that can be used in the teaching progression of the clean and snatch exercises. This exercise emphasizes positional strength during the transition phase and the triple extension of the hip, knee, and ankle joints that is characteristic of weightlifting movements.


The Exercise Technique Column, which provides detailed explanations of proper exercise technique to optimize performance and safety.

At the time of publication Christopher B. Taber was a doctoral candidate in the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences at East Tennessee State University.

National Strength and Conditioning Association
Citation Information

DeWeese, B.H., Suchomel, T.J., Serrano, A.J., Burton, J.D., Scruggs, S.K., & Taber, C.B. (2016). Pull From the Knee: Proper Technique and Application. Strength and Conditioning Journal 38(1), 79-85. doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000194