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Community Control Over Camera Surveillance: A Response to Bennett Capers's "Crime, Surveillance, and Communities"
Fordham Urban Law Journal
  • Christopher Slobogin
Document Type
Publication Date
  • police investigative practices,
  • search and seizure,
  • interrogation

Professor Capers's article helps stimulate thinking about the way in which community views and individual rights interact. In my view, where police propose to conduct surveillance of groups, as occurs with camera surveillance (including the newly developing drone camera systems)', the affected group should be heavily involved in the authorization process. If the surveillance is authorized, care must be taken to ensure that all members of the group are equally affected by it unless and until individualized suspicion, proportionate to the intrusion, develops. That formula ensures that the interests of both the collective and the individual are protected.

Citation Information
Christopher Slobogin. "Community Control Over Camera Surveillance: A Response to Bennett Capers's "Crime, Surveillance, and Communities"" Fordham Urban Law Journal Vol. 40 (2013) p. 993 ISSN: 0199-4646
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