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Equity- and tolerance-oriented teachers: Approaches to teaching race in the social studies classroom
Theory & Research in Social Education (2017)
  • Christopher C. Martell, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Kaylene M. Stevens
In this interpretative case study, the researchers examined the beliefs and practices of 10 self-identifying race-conscious social studies teachers. Using critical race theory as the lens, the researchers found that most of the teachers made race explicit in their classrooms by including race in units not typically considered race-related and focusing on the relationship between race and inequity. Additionally, while all of the teachers made race a central theme in their classrooms, there was a division between teachers who emphasized working against individual prejudice (tolerance-oriented) and against racial inequity (equity-oriented). This study adds to the growing research on teaching race in social studies and offers new evidence on how teachers present race and racism differently across school contexts.
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Citation Information
Christopher C. Martell and Kaylene M. Stevens. "Equity- and tolerance-oriented teachers: Approaches to teaching race in the social studies classroom" Theory & Research in Social Education (2017)
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