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Water balance and aquaporins
Reference Module in Life Sciences
  • Christopher P. Cutler, Georgia Southern University
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This article provides a general description of overall osmoregulatory mechanisms used by freshwater and marine teleost fish. It also has a general description of the characteristics of osmosis and water transport phenomena so that the reader is introduced to the language and concepts involved. There is then a more detailed description of the state-of-the-art concerning water transport mechanisms and more specifically the role of aquaporin water channels, in the gills, gastrointestinal tract, kidney, and urinary bladder, which together enable teleost fish to maintain water balance and achieve osmotic homeostasis. How these mechanisms compare to other fishes, including elasmobranchs, lampreys, and hagfish, are also considered.


Georgia Southern University faculty member, Christopher P. Cutler authored Water balance and aquaporins.


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Citation Information
Christopher P. Cutler. "Water balance and aquaporins" Reference Module in Life Sciences (2023)
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