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Federated Searching: Solution or Setback?
Faculty Book Gallery
  • Christopher N. Cox, University of Northern Iowa

Understand federated searching implementation better—and what works best in your library Federated Search: Solution or Setback for Online Library Services is a comprehensive guide to choosing, implementing, testing, teaching, and marketing federated search products in libraries. Experts in the field and librarians across the United States provide firsthand information on using federated search engines in different types of libraries (small, academic, and consortia), integrating search engines into library Web sites, homegrown upgrades, bidding on a product, other uses for software, and the future of federated searching. Federated Search: Solution or Setback for Online Library Services explains what factors come into play when choosing which federated search engine is appropriate for a library. This helpful resource discusses how to go out to bid for a product and provides a variety of case examples that illustrate implementation in libraries of different sizes. The book also includes information of what happened once federated search was implemented on various campuses, such as usability studies, teaching issues, getting buy-on from librarians, and marketing to students. -- Provided by publisher

  • Federated searching; Internet in library reference services; Library Web sites;
Document Type
Publication Date
Haworth Information Press
Rod Library
Object Description
453 pages : ill. ; 23 cm
Citation Information
Christopher N. Cox. Federated Searching: Solution or Setback?. Binghamton, NY(2007)
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