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Review of Arthurianism in Early Plantagenet England: From Henry II to Edward I by Mary Bateman
Medium Aevum (2021)
  • Mary Bateman
Berard’s monograph is an excellent example of the kind of detailed contextual research that can benefit Arthurian studies more widely: there is something valuable to be found here for researchers of all disciplines…. Painstaking attention to historical context and primary text work and a dedication to crossing geographic, cultural, and linguistic boundaries in pursuit of a clearer picture of the Plantagenets’ Arthurian reception make Berard’s book a pleasing complement to other recent publications, such as Victoria Flood’s Prophecy, Politics, and Place in Medieval England (2016). It should take a well- deserved place on our bookshelves.
Publication Date
Fall 2021
Citation Information
Mary Bateman. "Review of Arthurianism in Early Plantagenet England: From Henry II to Edward I by Mary Bateman" Medium Aevum Vol. 90 Iss. 2 (2021) p. 350 - 351
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