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Democratic Dilemmas of Teaching Service-Learning: Curricular Strategies for Success
  • Christine M. Cress, Portland State University
  • David M. Donahue

A college student wants to lead a campaign to ban a young adult novel from his child’s elementary school as his service-learning project in a children’s literature course. Believing the book is offensive to religious sensibilities, he sees his campaign as a service to children and the community. Viewing such a ban as limiting freedom of speech and access to information, the student’s professor questions whether leading a ban qualifies as a service project. If the goal of service is to promote more vital democratic communities, what should the student do? What should the professor do? How do they untangle competing democratic values? How do they make a decision about action?

This book addresses the teaching dilemmas, such as the above, that instructors and students encounter in service-learning courses.

Publication Date
May, 2011
Stylus Publishing
Citation Information
Christine M. Cress and David M. Donahue. Democratic Dilemmas of Teaching Service-Learning: Curricular Strategies for Success. (2011)
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