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Factors Affecting Behavior Toward People With Disabilities
Psychology Faculty Publications
  • Christina J. Taylor, Sacred Heart University
Document Type
Peer-Reviewed Article
Publication Date

Two field experiments were designed to explore ambivalence-induced behavior toward people with disabilities in low-cost helping situations. In Experiment 1, confederates, who either rode in a wheelchair or walked, asked shoppers for a small sum of money and either provided a reason (positive presentation) or did not provide a reason (negative presentation) for the request. Contrary to prediction, more people with a physical disability than without a physical disability were helped, regardless of their presentation. In Experiment 2, the presence of confederates in wheelchairs resulted in significantly fewer violations of parking spaces reserved for people with handicaps.


This research was supported in part by a University Research and Creativity Grant from Sacred Heart University.

PubMed ID
Citation Information

Taylor, C. J. (1998). Factors affecting behavior toward people with disabilities. Journal of Social Psychology, 138(6), 766-771.