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Psychology Professor Writes Book to Help OCD Patients Take Control of their Symptoms
SHU News (2016)
  • Christina J. Taylor, Sacred Heart University
Taylor’s book, OCD: A Workbook for Clinicians, Children and Teens; Actions to Beat, Control & Defeat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, is a guide for clinicians and non-clinicians alike on treating and working with OCD patients. The disorder affects about 2.3 percent of Americans, according to Understanding OCD. 
  • psychology,
  • Sacred Heart University,
  • OCD,
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,
  • Children,
  • Teens
Publication Date
April 19, 2016
Citation Information
Sacred Heart University. (2016, Apr. 19). Psychology Professor Writes Book to Help OCD Patients Take Control of their Symptoms. SHU News site. Retrieved from