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Universal fuzzy system representation with XML
Computer Standards & Interfaces (2005)
  • Chris Tseng, San Jose State University
  • Wafa Khamisy, San Jose State University
  • Toan Vu, San Jose State University
An XML schema and an XML DTD (Document Type Definition) are designed as syntax to represent general fuzzy systems in XML. We demonstrate how fuzzy systems described in XML with our proposed schema can be universally compatible with different software by using appropriate XSLT (eXtensible Style Language Transformation) stylesheets. The proposed schema offers a standard platform for fuzzy system developers and users to collaborate without compatibility issues. We demonstrate how a fuzzy logic design coded in accordance with our XML schema can subsequently be understood and integrated with two different software like MATLAB and FuzzyJess.
  • XML,
  • Schema,
  • DTD,
  • Fuzzy logic
Publication Date
December, 2005
Citation Information
Chris Tseng, Wafa Khamisy and Toan Vu. "Universal fuzzy system representation with XML" Computer Standards & Interfaces Vol. 28 Iss. 2 (2005) p. 218 - 230 ISSN: 0920-5489
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