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Emergency management toolkit for libraries
  • Chris Sharpe
  • Sandra Barclay, Kennesaw State University
  • Cheryl Stiles, Kennesaw State University
Next year will be the tenth anniversary of the Virginia Tech shootings, a critical event that necessitated institutions of higher learning to be better prepared for emergencies. This workshop will contribute to building a preparedness culture in libraries by allowing participants to learn how libraries can be prepared for various emergencies and create their own emergency management toolkit. It will be organized in four segments based on the FEMA’s mission areas of emergency management: prevention, protection, mitigation, and response. Content includes developing an emergency plan, reviewing what other libraries are doing, and assessing threats to their institutions. The workshop will include several activities such as team building and tabletop exercises as well as a simulation of a threat. The presenters are librarians who are crisis coordinators at their campus and have undergone extensive emergency management training at their institution, in their community, and through FEMA.
  • Emergency management,
  • libraries
Publication Date
October 5, 2016
Citation Information
Chris Sharpe, Sandra Barclay and Cheryl Stiles. "Emergency management toolkit for libraries" (2016)
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