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Skills, Careers, and Cross-Cultural Understanding: How Russian-American Journalism Education Collaboration Works
Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies
  • Chris Demaske, University of Washington Tacoma
  • Maria Lukina
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This article explores the collaborative exchange programme that both authors have been involved in as the faculty supervisors for more than fifteen years. In this programme students from the US and Russian universities come together to write, design and produce a media project at each other’'s campuses. From working as an international team, students from both countries practice journalism skills and learn about different cultural and professional traditions, which cannot be reproduced in textbooks or classrooms. In the study, which includes survey responses from 61 former programme participants, the authors measure the success of the programme in two main areas: as a highly impactful study-abroad experience and its ability to foster collaboration and cooperation in journalism education across borders. Based on the responses to the survey, the authors were able to evaluate the long-lasting impact on the students who participate, indicating that during the process they gain not only valuable journalistic skills but also cross-cultural experiences that have a positive impact on their future careers.

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Citation Information
Lukina, M., & Demaske, C. (2019). Skills, careers and cross-cultural understanding: How Russian-American journalism education collaboration works. Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies, 8(2), 231–249.