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Planning and zoning around Bear Lake, Utah
Natural Resources and Environmental Issues
  • Patsy Palacios, SJ & Jessie E Quinney Natural Resources Research Library, Utah State University, Logan
  • Chris Luecke, Watershed Sciences, Utah State University, Logan
  • Justin Robinson, Watershed Sciences, Utah State University, Logan
Publication Date

Communities in the Bear River basin are presently encountering various intensities of growth and development due to new residential, commercial, and agricultural development. In general, the development is distributed unevenly throughout the basin with much heavier concentration occurring south of Grace, Idaho and continuing into Garden City. Around the Bear Lake area, development is sprawling outward from the lakeshore and up the sides of the foothills. The west and south shores are primarily privately owned with summer home development, while the east shore is mostly state owned with multiple access points. See figure 4 for development around Bear Lake. The residential development is expressed in both permanent housing and an equal amount of seasonal (summer and winter) residential construction. The commercial and service growth in the area is directed more toward the tourist/ recreational growth of the region as opposed to support services for either the agricultural or full residential activities (Toth, 2005)....

Citation Information
Patsy Palacios, Chris Luecke and Justin Robinson. "Planning and zoning around Bear Lake, Utah" (2007)
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