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About Chris Bobel

Chris has long been fascinated by social movements and how and when they emerge, frame their issues and their interventions and make sense of what is at stake. For more than two decades, Chris been been researching, writing, and speaking on Critical Menstruation Studies and more generally, body autonomy. Her most recent books include The Managed Body: Developing Girls and Menstrual Health in the Global South (2018; Palgrave Macmillan), and the co-edited collections  Body Battlegrounds: Transgressions, Tensions and Transformations (2019; Vanderbilt) and open-source The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies (2020; Palgrave Macmillan) which has been downloaded more 2+ million times.  Pivoting from menstrual health and politics, she is currently at work on a new book exploring contemporary activism inspired by grief and trauma tentatively titled Accidental Activism:
Why Grief Becomes Grievance in the Wake of Traumatic Loss.

Chris has been quoted in publications such as The New York Times, The Huffington Post, The Guardian, The Washington Post, Newsweek, Time, NPR, USA Today, The Atlantic, El Mundo, Agence France-Presse, and the Associated Press and featured in several podcasts and documentaries including Periodical, soon to stream on NBC's Peacock. See below for a full catalog of Chris' publications, media engagements and more.


Present Professor, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, College of Liberal Arts, University of Massachusetts Boston

Curriculum Vitae

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Professional Service and Affiliations

2015 - Present Member of the Editorial Board, Signs
2013 - Present Founding Member of the Editorial Board, Women's Reproductive Health
1998 - Present Member, National Women's Studies Association
2006 - 2020 Past Board Member, Graduate Consortium in Gender, Culture, Women and Sexuality
2013 - 2015 Past President, Society for Menstrual Cycle Research
Past Department Chair, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies at University of Massachusetts Boston
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1993 - 1999 PhD, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee ‐ Urban Studies

Books (6)

Reviews of and Press Coverage about The Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies (10)

Reviews of "The Managed Body" (11)