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Scaffolding Development of Clinical Supervisors: Learning to be a Liaison
Journal of Educational Supervision
  • Jennifer Snow, Boise State University
  • Hannah Carter, Boise State University
  • Sherry A. Dismuke, Boise State University
  • Angel Larson, Boise State University
  • Stefanie Shebley, Boise State University
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Teacher education as a field has embraced the idea that clinically-based teacher education will better support teacher candidate learning and the learning of their future preK-12 students (AACTE, 2018; NCATE, 2010). Likewise, teacher education scholars have emphasized the importance of learning to teach well in clinical practice (Darling-Hammond, 2014). We five women teacher educators engaged in a collaborative self-study to investigate our different perspectives and our institution’s hope for mentoring and preparing new liaisons. Our collaborative self-study focused on the research question: What are the key factors that play a part in influencing the developmental trajectory of a liaison? Through a collaborative self-study of our clinical supervision work as university liaisons, we identified the importance of community toward developing agency as teacher educators. Our year-long self-study involved journaling about our liaison experiences and our developmental trajectory in becoming teacher educators across time and multiple contexts.

Copyright Statement

This document was originally published in Journal of Educational Supervision by DigitalCommons@UMaine. Copyright restrictions may apply. doi: 10.31045/jes.3.1.4

Citation Information
Jennifer Snow, Hannah Carter, Sherry A. Dismuke, Angel Larson, et al.. "Scaffolding Development of Clinical Supervisors: Learning to be a Liaison" Journal of Educational Supervision (2020)
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