Contribution to Book
Going Mobile: Using iPads to Improve the Reading Room Experience
Reference and Access : Innovative Practices for Archives and Special Collections
Document Type
Contribution to Books
Publication Date
In 2010 Boise State University launched a three-year mobile-learning initiative to utilize mobile technology in the classroom to facilitate learning. Through courses, programs, and faculty preparation, the initiative’s goals included increasing student engagement in learning, developing digital literacy skills, and producing “technology-mediated innovations in content delivery and creation.”1 Faculty and students participated from a variety of disciplines, including arts, humanities, sciences, business, education, engineering, health sciences, and social science.
Citation Information
Cheryl Oestreicher, Julia Stringfellow and Jim Duran. "Going Mobile: Using iPads to Improve the Reading Room Experience" Reference and Access : Innovative Practices for Archives and Special Collections (2014) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/cheryl_oestreicher/21/