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The Groaning of Creation: Expanding Our Eschatological Imagination Through the Pasc hal Mystery
Lumen et Vita (2016)
  • Chelsea J. King, Sacred Heart University
Theodicy is an attempt to wrestle with the problem posed to belief in an omni
benevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent God. Some theodicies deal with the problem by
dismissing any or all of these attributes. For instance, process theology and forms of open
theism, tend to reimagine God’s knowledge. Certain theologians, working within this framework,
put forward a rather radical understanding of God: God does not really “know” what the future is
(it may be because of the future does not exist), but more so because God has decided to limit
Godself (taking the concept of Kenosis with the utmost seriousness). 
  • Theodicity,
  • God
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Citation Information
King, C. (2016). The groaning of creation: Expanding our eschatological imagination through the paschal mystery. Lumen et Vita, 6(2).
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