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Decolonizing Curricular Resources: A Bibliography for Teaching and Learning Native American and Indigenous Studies in New England
Resources for improving K- 12 curriculum, for university-level research, for creating public education through library collections and organizational offerings, and most importantly, for life-long learning. Created by a working group through the Karuna Center for Peacebuilding. This curated list spans age levels, integrating general education with area-specific studies. It includes information and links for written, audio, and film resources from across Turtle Island (North America) as well as those authored by Native people from New England that are specific to Indigenous nations of the Northeast. This is a living resource list, and is not exhaustive. It is organized as a Zotero library, which is free, open-access, and accessible anywhere online. 
  • native american and indigenous studies,
  • bibliography,
  • curricula,
  • teaching,
  • new england
Publication Date
Fall October 11, 2021
A collective effort by the following individuals:
  • Denise Burchsted, Keene State College
  • Jacob Carter, UMass Amherst Partnership for Worker Education
  • Madeleine Charney, UMass Amherst Libraries
  • Karen Fisk, Springfield Museums
  • Anna Flynn, Frost Library, Amherst College
  • Autumn Gordon, MacDuffie School
  • Natalie Johnson, Hecate Healing Arts
  • Jennifer Lee, Northern Narragansett
  • José Lugo, Collaborative for Educational Services
  • Betsy Nordell, Wellesley College
  • Laura Quayle, Hartsbrook School
  • Mary Santiago, Holyoke Public Schools, retired
  • Brittany Weiss, Stoneleigh-Burnham School
  • Kristine Downing, Karuna Center
  • Laura Anderson, Karuna Center
  • Htet Thadar Aung, Karuna Center
  • Ron Welburn, Co-chair (see full bio)
Jessica Dolan, Co-chair (see full bio)

Citation Information
"Decolonizing Curricular Resources: A Bibliography for Teaching and Learning Native American and Indigenous Studies in New England" (2021)
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