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  • Marilyn S Billings, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Charlotte Roh, University of San Francisco
  • Yuan Li, Princeton University
  • Stacy Konkiel, Digital Science
In 2006, the University of Massachusetts Amherst became an early adopter of an institutional repository. It quickly became clear that most recent graduates and working librarians did not have scholarly communications experience. To address this need, the university library piloted a two-year digital repository/scholarly communication residency program. Now in its fifth cycle, the residency program has contributed four successful scholarly communication professionals to librarianship, who will share their experiences and insights in this poster.
  • Scholarly Communication
Publication Date
March 23, 2017
Citation Information
Marilyn S Billings, Charlotte Roh, Yuan Li and Stacy Konkiel. "ACLR2017Poster.pdf" (2017)
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