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Demarcating Research and Treatment: A Systematic Approach for the Analysis of the Ethics of Clinical Research
Clinical Research (1992)
  • Benjamin Freedman, McGill University
  • Abraham Fuks, McGill University
  • Charles Weijer, McGill University
  • Clinical Trials,
  • Medical Ethics,
  • Human Experimentation,
  • Research Subjects,
  • Risk Assessment
Publication Date
December, 1992
Publisher Statement
Reprinted in: Emanuel EJ, Crouch RA, Arras JD, Moreno JD, Grady C. (Eds.). Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research: Readings and Commentary. 2003. 107-112.
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Dr. Charles Weijer is currently a faculty member at The University of Western Ontario.
Citation Information
Benjamin Freedman, Abraham Fuks and Charles Weijer. "Demarcating Research and Treatment: A Systematic Approach for the Analysis of the Ethics of Clinical Research" Clinical Research Vol. 40 Iss. 4 (1992)
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